I would normally have two different levels of friendliness of birds available starting at €75 each.
Cages and starter packs are available. (please see the heading Cages and starter packs).
Remember, I strongly recommend for health reasons (see heading “Companionship”) keeping at least two birds together.
When purchasing two birds if you are on a budget you do not necessarily have to purchase two of the more expensive friendliest birds. You could go for one at the higher level and one at the lower level. Or two at the lower level or two at the higher level, the choice is yours. The birds won’t mind how much the other bird costs, they just want company.
All my trained budgies are genuinely friendly budgies (unlike some other advertised as trained and are not) and will be aged between 7-12 weeks of age.
Before leaving you will see the birds flying on to your hands, head and shoulders.
These birds are the real deal!
Please be aware of people advertising friendly, hand-reared budgies on the internet but in reality, these birds are not in the slightest bit friendly. They are not hand-reared and in some cases have only been purchased from a pet shop for €20 a few days before hand. They then tell you that these birds are hand-reared and that the birds need to get used to you before they will fly to you. They say that in 2-3 weeks time that the bird will be flying to you, which never happens!
** Do not part with any money until you see the birds flying to you **